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Parents Guide to EYFS

In September 2012 the department of Education revised the statutory framework for early years settings, known as the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The framework sets out the legal requirements for the care of young children relating to Learning, Development and Welfare.


The EYFS framework sets the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five. The curriculum is built around four principles:


  1. A Unique Child

  2. Positive Relationships

  3. Enabling Environments

  4. Learning and Development


Parents are kept informed of the development of their child’s progress within the four principles the EYFS framework through regular dialogue with their child’s key worker and through the individual learning journals of each child.


To give you a basic understand of the four principles, we have attempted to explain them below:


1. A Unique Child


At the Tot Town we focus on how children develop; we recognise they are all different, but should be treated equally.

Positive relationships and good communication are vital. Children need to learn about risks and safety, how to make good choices and how to stick to boundaries. We make every attempt to provide full opportunity for each child to do their best and we achieve this by ensuring their physical and emotional needs are met during their time at Tot Town.


2. Positive Relationships


The theme is about children learning to manage their feelings and build relationships. We respect all kinds of families and aim to develop a positive two-way relationship with parents. We will support, listen and work with the children at Tot Town to help them learn. We have a nominated key carer for each child at the Tot Town to ensure each child has the opportunity of building a close relationship and is well monitored during their time with us.


3. Enabling Environments


We plan and check on each child’s progress and make every attempt to involve parents and the local community. We ensure that inside and outside spaces of the playgroup are safe, interesting and engaging.


4. Learning and Development


Tot Town focuses on ensuring young children learn through play and exploration, with support for each individual. We encourage children to develop imagination, to get actively involved in learning and to make decisions. We make every attempt to develop children’s creative and critical thinking, balancing the need for both the children and adults to lead the learning.


We work towards the following specific goals to help us all work within the framework:


  • Communication and Language, Children are exposed to a rich language environment. They are taught and encouraged to develop their confidence and skills in expression and to speak and listen in a range of situations.


  • Physical development, Opportunities are made available for the children to be active and interactive – to develop coordination, control and movement. The children are also aided in understanding the importance of physical activity and make healthy choices – especially when they are hungry or thirsty.


  • Personal, social and emotional development, Children are helped to develop a positive sense of themselves and others; to form positive relationships and learn to respect others, to develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings; to understand appropriate behaviour in groups; and to have confidence in their own abilities.


  • Literacy, involves encouraging children to link sounds and letters. They will have access to a wide range of reading materials, which include books and poems to spark their interests.


  • Mathematics, includes teaching children to count, understand and use numbers, solve simple addition and subtraction problems and describe shapes, spaces and measures.


  • Understanding the world, involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their communities through exploration, observations and research on people, places, technology and the environment.


  • Expressive arts and design, will enable children to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials, develop their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of activities in art, music, movement, dance, role-play and design and technology and share these with other children and adults.


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